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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

2 killed, 10 injured as AL factions clash in Jhenidah

At least two persons were killed and ten others injured in a clash between two groups of people, led by two local Awami League leaders, in Shailakupa upazila of Jhenidah this morning.

The deceased were identified as Azim Munshi, 40, son of Amir Mondol, and Kafil Uddin, 38, son of Shafi Uddin of Rajnagar village.

Police said the clash broke out in the morning in line with a brawl that took place last night between an AL activist and a shop owner, who also belong to the party, over the accounts of last year's dues. One was injured in the incident.

Locals said in the clash this morning, both groups, one led by AL leader Roise and the other by Altaf, used sharp weapons.

Altaf, Rana, Kayum, Robi and Kuddus are among the injured.

Shailakupa police chief Anwar Hossain said the clash between two groups of AL took place over realising due money.

On information police rushed to the scene and brought the situation under control.

Additional police contingents have been deployed to avert any further clash.


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